Privacy Policy

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MurthyChat aims to document village life and unite village communities, storing and tracking village happenings.

Our privacy policy is an agreement that outlines how we respect and protect user information and data. It's designed to explain the information we collect about you and the controls we provide for managing the information you share with us. Specific terms have consistent meanings throughout the agreement.

Read the full policy to learn more about how we handle your information.

1. Information You Provide to Us

1.1 Data Received Directly from You

We receive data directly from you, including Mobile number, Profile photo, Mother Name, Blood Group, Messages, and Media files.

Content Data:

We receive content (as defined in the Terms) that you create using our Services. This includes profile photos, photos, videos, files, posts, geolocation, or Contacts.

Remember that other users on the platform can copy and share your content. Be cautious about sharing sensitive content, as you are responsible for the content you share.

Communications with MurthyChat:

When you report concerns, respond to surveys, request assistance, or exercise your rights, we receive necessary information to support and improve our services.

1.2 Data We Collect When You Use Our Services

As you use our Services, we automatically receive information from your device and your usage:

Connection and Technical Data:

We collect IP address, account creation date, last login, terminal equipment, and port information.

Selfie in Profile Photo:

To ensure community authenticity, we require identification for users in a community.

Mother Name:

We use this information to represent mothers in the community and do not share it with third parties.

Blood Group:

This information helps provide assistance within the community.

Device and Equipment Data:

We collect device type, operating system version, language preference, and applications.

Cameras and Photos Library:

You can create an account without allowing us to access your device's camera or photo library. Granting access is necessary for sharing and viewing content on our Services.

Geolocation Data:

You can choose to share your location to enhance your experience on our platform.

Address Book Data:

You can allow MurthyChat to access your address book to identify friends who may be on MurthyChat. We don't access your address book without permission.

Integrations with Partners:

When you connect a partner application to MurthyChat, we receive information necessary for that integration.

2. How We Use Your Information

We use your information thoughtfully to provide and improve our Services:

Operation, Improvement, and Provision of Services:

We use your information to create accounts, display content, identify relevant content, and improve our services.

Safety and Security:

We ensure user safety, security, and compliance with laws and regulations.


We use your information to communicate with you about features, questions, or concerns.


We gather user feedback for research and product testing purposes.

3. When We Share Your Information

We share your information as necessary for Services or required by law:

MurthyChat Employees:

Authorized employees may access your information to provide support.

Other Users:

Content you share is available to community members and friends.

Service Providers:

We work with partners to provide services like technical support, notifications, analytics, etc.

Partner Integrations:

For feature integration, we may share your information with partners.

Legal and Statutory Purposes:

We may share data to comply with legal requests, address security concerns, or protect users.

Change in Ownership:

In case of a merger or sale, information about you may be shared, sold, or transferred.

4. Data Retention

We retain your information based on the following timelines:

  • Account Creation Data: Retained as long as you have an active account.
  • Content Data: Retained as long as you have an active account or until the content is deleted.
  • Communications with MurthyChat: Retained for up to 24 months.

5. Controls Over Your Information

Block or Hide Users Policy:

We offer the ability to block or hide users for authenticity and user experience.

Delete Your Account:

You can choose to delete your account at any time.

6. Your Rights Over Your Information

Privacy is a fundamental right. You have the right to:

  • Delete your account
  • Understand data sharing
  • Get a copy of your information
  • Correct your information
  • Appeal decisions
  • Ask questions about privacy practices
  • Contact our Office of Data Protection

7. Contact

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.

We're here to help you with any service-related queries.

For reporting concerns or queries related to privacy, you can use our reporting form.